
How To Grow Bearded Iris

Iris mixing amongst tulips together with forget-me-nots inwards my garden final May.

Bearded iris are a classic cottage garden flower, but I intend they are hence traditional they ofttimes acquire overshadowed past times other perennials. With this post, I promise to remind you lot but how beautiful they are. 

The earliest bearded iris laid about to bloom at the perfect time. Late tulips are flowering together with alliums are putting on a show, but many perennials are soundless inwards that early on phase of light-green growth. In my garden I notice that bearded iris, amongst their ruffled blooms, are a welcome add-on inwards May.

A Tall Bearded Iris at the Royal Botanical Gardens inwards Hamilton, ON.

With satin petals that shimmer inwards the sunlight, the bloom of a Tall Bearded Iris is an exquisite thing to behold. They are mayhap the most iconic iris, but they aren't your entirely option.

Here's a expect at the arrive at of bearded iris available:

MDB: Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris are the smallest together with earliest of the bearded irises to bloom. They grow upwards to 8 inches tall and receive got flowers that are three inches or smaller.

SDB: Standard Dwarf Bearded bloom after Miniature Dwarf Iris and commonly complete flowering but equally the Intermediate Bearded Iris are reaching their peak. SDW attain a tiptop of 8 to fifteen inches tall together with has blooms that are 2-4 inches inwards size.

IB: Intermediate Bearded Iris are 16 to 28 inches in height. The flowers are 3.5-5 inches inwards size together with extend upwards higher upwards the foliage for a squeamish display.

MTB: Miniature Tall Bearded are 16 to xviii inches tall together with receive got flowers that are but about 6 inches. The flowers are fragrant together with are ofttimes used equally cutting flowers.

BB: Border Bearded Iris are 16-27 inches in tiptop together with are to a greater extent than resistant to air current harm than Tall Bearded Iris. At 5 inches the bloom size is a fiddling smaller than TB.

TB: Tall Bearded Iris are the final of the bearded iris to bloom. They are 27 inches or more inwards height.

Border Bearded Iris 'Batik' inwards my garden.

How to Choose: Bigger is Better...right?

Not necessarily. Selecting a bearded iris is a mix of personal preference together with what works best inwards your garden. Statuesque Tall Bearded Iris receive got the largest blooms, but they are 27 or to a greater extent than inches inwards height. The large flowers brand them top heavy. Wind together with pelting tin ship their flowers correct to the ground. In an opened upwards area, Tall Bearded Iris to a greater extent than ofttimes than non require some shape of staking.

The blooms of the shorter types of bearded iris are significantly smaller, but they are less top heavy together with yet soundless create create to hold upwards quite showy. Over the years, I receive got come upwards to prefer Intermediate Bearded Iris, partly because I am lazy, together with don't desire to receive got to stake flowers, together with also because I notice the metallic stakes detract from the flowers. 

You, on the other hand, mightiness prefer the larger flowers together with intend stakes are a pocket-sized cost to pay for the amazing blooms.

By means of example, here's a comparing of ii peachy-pink iris:

Tall Bearded Iris 'Beverly Sills' is 1 of the most pop peachy-pink tall bearded irises. It has a reputation for beingness a vigorous grower that blooms heavily mid-season. Full sun. Height: 60-90 cm (24-36 inches).USDA zones: 3-9.

Intermediate Bearded Iris 'Pink Kitten' has much smaller pale pinkish flowers amongst tangerine beards. Fragrant. Full sun. Height: 45-60 cm (18-24 inches). USDA zones: 3-9.

A purple Intermediate Bearded Iris inwards a primary gardener's backyard inwards Mississauga, ON. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 step-back sentiment of the same iris tin hold upwards seen below.

A yellowish Intermediate Bearded Iris inwards the same primary gardener's backyard inwards Mississauga, ON.

The yellowish iris inwards close-up.

A few other considerations:
Bearded irises bloom for 3 or four weeks. You tin extend the flowering season however, past times selecting early on together with belatedly flowering varieties.
Some bearded irises receive got a lite fragrance. If you lot are looking to add together fragrance to your plantings, you lot tin store for scent inwards a arrive at of iris sizes.
Even if your garden is small, at that topographic point is soundless a bearded iris for you. The Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (see below) inwards my mother's quondam garden kickstarted my passion for these tiny iris.

Planting a Bearded Iris:

The best fourth dimension to constitute bearded iris is inwards July, August together with September. To ensure your iris volition acquire far through winter, hold upwards certain to constitute it at to the lowest degree four weeks earlier the starting fourth dimension difficult frost. Typically a bearded iris volition bloom a twelvemonth later it is planted.

Iris similar total Sun (6-8 hours of sunlight). The exception mightiness hold upwards a hot climate where iris mightiness create goodness from lite shade inwards the afternoon.  The entirely other requirement is proficient drainage. If your soil is poorly drained, add together organic affair to meliorate drainage.

Plant your rhizomes at to the lowest degree 12 inches apart. Crowding them tin create an impressive display, but  you'll receive got to dig your iris upwards together with dissever them later but a span of years. Spacing irises properly also encourages proficient air circulation together with helps forestall disease.

If you lot iris is inwards a plant nursery container, take it from the pot without disturbing the soil. Plant it at the same degree or fifty-fifty slightly higher inwards the ground. Be careful non to encompass the rhizome amongst soil. Water well. Continue to H2O every few days for nigh a week. Then H2O weekly until the iris has rooted.

Planting a bare-root bearded iris is a fiddling to a greater extent than tricky. If the roots are looking a fiddling wrinkled you lot tin rejuvenate them past times soaking the rhizome inwards shallow pan of H2O for a span of hours but earlier you lot create your planting.
Irises similar to receive got the top of their rhizomes visible to the sun. Dig a planting hole together with fashion a colina of soil inwards the middle. The mound of soil should come upwards up to solid soil level. Centre the rhizome on top of the mound together with spread out the roots downward the sides of the hill. Bury the roots taking attention non to encompass the rhizome. Water well. Continue to H2O every few days for nigh a week. Then H2O weekly until the iris has rooted.

A Tall Bearded Iris amongst Columbine but inwards behind it. My garden inwards May.

Ongoing Care

Established clumps of bearded iris create non require supplemental water. They should hold upwards fine amongst natural rainfall unless at that topographic point is an extended menstruum of drought.

Generally speaking, bearded iris create good inwards average garden soil together with create non require regular fertilizer. If your soil is actually poor, a lite application of fertilizer tin hold upwards added inwards early on outflow together with in 1 lawsuit to a greater extent than a calendar month or hence later bloom. Superphosphate or a good balanced fertilizer (with a NKO ratio of 10-10-10 or 5-10-10) are ii proficient options.
There are a span of fertilizers that should hold upwards avoided. Fertilizer that is high inwards nitrogen tin encourage lush increment that is susceptible to bacterial soft rot. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 weed together with feed fertilizer should also hold upwards avoided.

Do non mulch!
Mulch locks inwards wet together with tin drive the soft rot of your rhizomes.

Avoiding Potential Problems
To avoid problems amongst affliction together with pests keep your iris clear of garden debris. Remove whatever dead foliage together with later your iris finishes flowering, snap or cutting the bloom stem off at the base. In the belatedly summer/fall prune dorsum the foliage to discourage over-wintering pests.

Bearded iris mixing amongst Peonies inwards a individual garden inwards Caledon, ON.


Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 spend upwards inwards the number of flowers is a sign that your iris needs to hold upwards divided. As a rule, you lot should dissever your irises every 3-4 years inwards belatedly July or early on August.
To dissever your irises, dig upwards the entire clump amongst a garden fork. Gently describe apart the tangle of rhizomes amongst your hands. Cut off the larger, healthy-looking immature rhizomes amongst a abrupt knife. Throw away the quondam amount "mother" rhizome. It's past times it's prime number together with won't bloom again. At the same time, you lot should also discard whatever sections of rhizome that receive got been adversely damaged past times pests. Cut dorsum the foliage fans of your divisions to half dozen or 8 inches. This volition ease the stress of replanting past times allowing the constitute to focus on growing novel roots. Allow the rhizomes to dry out overnight to seal upwards whatever cuts earlier replanting them.

Pests together with Problems

Iris Borers
Adult borers are nocturnal moths that lay their eggs on garden debris inwards final summertime or fall. They hatch into 1 inch sized larvae that that chew into the leaves together with and hence swallow their means downward to the rhizomes. Borer harm is ofttimes seen equally notched wounds or slimy, wet-looking areas on the leaves. Once they swallow their means downward to the base of operations of the plant, they laid about to hollow their means through the rhizome. In August they pupate inwards the soil together with hatch into to a greater extent than adult moths.
To bargain amongst this pest, I receive got learned to continue the rhizomes clear of whatever debris throughout the growing season. I also endeavour to direct grip of the larvae inwards the spear-shaped foliage by removing whatever slimy leaves.

Bacterial Soft Rot
It is difficult to imagine anything to a greater extent than putrid smelling than mushy rhizomes infected amongst this fungal disease. Too much nitrogen inwards the soil, garden debris around the base of operations of the plants and too much water are all possible causes of this problem.
Dig upwards the infected plant/s together with cutting away the rotten parts of the rhizome (throw the infected sections inwards the garbage–do non compost them). Allow the cutting areas to sit down inwards the opened upwards air for a solar daytime or two.You tin also disinfect the wounds amongst a solution of 1 business office bleach to ix parts water.

Bacterial Leaf Spot
Small pale spots on the foliage are a sign of Bacterial Leaf Spot. Sadly at that topographic point is no cure. Remove whatever infected plants together with launder your tools amongst a 10% bleach together with H2O solution.

Planting Ideas

I ever similar to destination on a positive note. Pests together with affliction tin hold upwards an issue, but these are wonderful perennials.

Here are a few ideas on using iris inwards the garden together with how to combine them amongst other plants.

 Royal Botanical Gardens inwards Hamilton.

Try planting 3 or 5 gratis colors together.

 Royal Botanical Gardens inwards Hamilton.

Mix bearded iris amongst Peonies.

 Royal Botanical Gardens inwards Hamilton.

Mix bearded iris amongst other types of iris (above together with below).

Royal Botanical Gardens inwards Hamilton.

Private garden inwards Mississauga, ON.

Let a shrub or tree create the perfect backdrop.

Private garden inwards Mississauga, ON.

A bearded iris inwards my garden amongst Sweet Rocket inwards the background.

No affair what type of bearded iris you lot choose, it is leap to hold upwards a dandy add-on to your outflow garden.

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